Classic Faery Tales Rewritten For Adults Only

Classic Faery Tales Rewritten For Adults Only

By:  CityKim  Completed
Language: English
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Seven Classic Faery Tales are given a very adult makeover. You are entering a world of myth, magic, and Immortals. Throw in the humans for the added spice of erotica and violence. Mix together and you have dark adult faery tales ........ Do not read if easily offended!

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98 Chapters
Lumi Blanca - Chapter One
Once upon a time in a land of faery tales and magic, lived many Wolf Packs but these were no ordinary Wolf Packs ……..‘Wait here’The four Wolves stopped and paced as the huge black Alpha moved to the edge of the trees, he lay down and watched hidden by the shadows‘With a smile and a song Life is just a bright sunny day Your cares fade away And your heart is young’The beautiful young woman sang as she pegged out the washing and the Wolf studied her closely,‘With a smile and a song All the world seems to waken anew Rejoicing with you As the song is sung’Her voice was as beautiful as she was and he was entranced as she twirled and danced in the sunshine,‘There's no use in grumbling When the raindrops come tumbling Remember, you're the one Who can fill the world with sunshine’She finished hanging the washing and carried on dancing using the basket as if it was her partner she spun around her blue-black hair tumbling around her like a cape,‘When you smile and you sing Eve
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Chapter Two
Her little body was blue from the cold, she was wet from the rain that had been falling on and off for the last few days and had curled up against a tree trunk looking for some shelter. She had been barely conscious and whoever had left her must have known it was unlikely she would be found, no one ever came this way, except the Miners. In the seven years they had lived there they had never seen any other person and as they kept themselves to themselves, very few people knew of their ranch. Which was just how they liked it until they found the tiny angel who took over their lives. She had been left there to die, a tiny azure blue-eyed angel, who could be evil enough to leave such an innocent to perish in such a cruel way.The Miners had tenderly cut her free wrapping her in their jackets and carried her to their cottage warmed her up, fed her and it wasn’t really unexpected that she had become ill with a fever. Hardly surprising since she had been left in those freezing conditions for
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Chapter Three
‘Don’t be ridiculous Tyka, they would never hurt me’ She snapped back but Tyka warned her again, ‘You are not their daughter Lumi, and you are approaching adulthood. Look at yourself, really look, you are incredibly beautiful.’ Lumi shook her midnight curls, ‘Tyka please, I’m not beautiful not really’ ‘You cannot deny what is reflecting back at you Lumi and your ‘Fathers’ are not looking at you as a ‘Daughter’ anymore. They have tried to fight it but you consume their thoughts, and very soon one or more will make a move for you. The others will be jealous and they will fight until there is only one or maybe two who will claim you as theirs whether you want it or not. They feel it is their right, they want to possess you, and you will not be given a choice they will force you and you will be trapped forever.’ Lumi thought about what she had been told, she trusted Tyka implicitly and without question and she had begun to feel extremely uncomfortable around her ‘Fathers’. All of t
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Chapter Four
Clearly, they had been unable to wait that long, their lust to take her innocence should not have surprised her but it had, she was very hurt by their betrayal. She stopped and listened carefully all around her was silent and still, all she could hear was her own frantic heart beating. That should have been enough of a warning to her she knew the forest was never completely silent but she was not thinking straight. Looking around she carried on through the trees heading for the road, she had never been this deep in the forest before, but she knew the road led to the city and she could lose herself there.The Patrol heard her moving through the trees their superior hearing alerting them to where she was heading and they quickly hunted her down. Staying out of sight they watched her waiting to see what she would do.‘She never comes this far’Gamma Ryan mind linked the other patrol members,‘I can smell her fear’Gamma Jason answered,‘If those fucking dwarves have touched her the Alpha
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Chapter Five
All the time he spoke softly to her, reassuring her the way he would a child, when he finished he sat on the bed and looked at her,‘You don’t know do you?’ She blinked up at him frowning,‘Know what?’She replied and he smiled,‘So you do speak then’‘Of course, I do, I, I, well I’m just not used to people’She looked down pleating the sheet with her hands,Dr Jacob Lawson was a Rogue, he had been a Pack member but his desire to heal people rather than kill them was at direct odds with his Alpha. He had been forced to choose so he chose medicine, he had been ostracised immediately. Frog marched to the boundary line without even being allowed to say goodbye to his family, not that it mattered they had all turned their backs on him the minute he was cut from the Pack. It had hurt, going Rogue the pain had been so bad it had almost killed him but he had survived and he loved his job at the hospital. He had a lovely apartment, a wide circle of friends, and a human girlfriend but you ar
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Chapter Six
‘Why would you think such a thing Lumi?’He questioned her and she was very honest,‘That is what I am running from Jacob’‘They abused you?’He stated coldly feeling his anger rising,‘Not really, I got away before they did anything really bad’She shrugged and went and sat on the bed and he sat beside her,‘Talk to me Lumi, I want to help you’She looked away and shook her head,‘There is nothing to say Jacob I got away from them that is all that matters’ She would not be drawn again and he left her to settle in. Lumi learned a lot of things over the next few weeks, television fascinated her, and when he introduced her to the internet she was hooked. Jacob watched her grown and mature as she began to understand the world around her but he could not understand how she did not know what she was.Damon was raging, the Wolves had ripped the Miners to pieces, their knives and guns had made no difference and what wa
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Chapter Seven
‘What have you been up to or need I ask?’He grinned and she giggled again, it was a delightful sound and he loved to hear it,‘I’ve been learning’She told him indignantly as he tickled her,‘Sure you have beautiful, so what wonderful things did you learn?’She giggled helplessly and wriggled away from him, not really minding him touching her, as the days had passed she had become very attached to him. He was good looking, as most Werewolves are, over six feet tall, toned muscled body, rich dark brown hair and gentle brown eyes with his friendly open personality he had won her over. She turned to look at him and he leaned forward, without thinking she did to and his lips touched hers, very gently he kissed her and she did not pull away. Lumi felt her body come alive as he leaned closer and increased the intensity of his kiss, using all his experience he teased her lips apart and kissed her properly. When he lifted his head s
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Chapter Eight
He whispered and she let him possess her mouth a moan escaping her lips as he pressed himself against her his hands cupped her ass and he squeezed it gently then stroked her,‘Oh God Lumi I want you so much’He picked her up and carried her to his room laying her on his bed he kissed up her legs and slowly pulled off her shorts,‘You are so, so beautiful’She whimpered as he spread her legs,‘I won’t hurt you’He kissed her so gently she trusted him completely and as he moved slowly down her body his kisses set her on fire.Damon ordered his Guards to surround the house,‘Think you are so smart Doctor Jacob, this is why you are a Rogue and I am the Alpha’He turned to the young human woman his Beta Michael was holding,‘You are sure she is in there?’The woman nodded her head in terror these huge men had dragged her from her bed hours ago and threatened her until she told them everything she knew. The one in front of her terrified her the most, he was devilishly handsome, long black
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Chapter Nine
Tyka wasn’t a ‘voice’ or an ‘imaginary friend’ she was real and she was part of her. Slowly she stood up and lifted her head and began to walk then trotted forward stopping at the small lake in the middle of the woods she took a deep breath and looked at her reflection. A magnificent deep chestnut Wolf with bright golden eyes looked back at her, her fur was long and thick, dark glossy chestnut with streaks of burgundy and rich red combining to ensure her coat never seemed to stay one colour changing as she moved and the light caught it. Pricking her ears she heard them coming towards her and Tyka took over quickly masking her scent and moving into the shadows she watched the huge black wolf trot in to the clearing followed by his Beta and Gamma’s. Lumi felt Tyka tremble at the sight of him he was truly magnificent, he was double her size and she was big for a female, his coat was inky black, long and thick like hers, he excluded power as he stopped and lifted his head scenting the are
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Chapter Ten
Without thinking she opened them and was sickened by what she found, it was a video of her in the shower and the person filming it showed he was pleasuring himself while he watched her. The caption he had sent with the video said simply,‘Can’t wait to bury this in her’The second video was worse, it was clearly a warm night as she had been filmed sleeping in her bed and the window was open, the person filming had pulled off the sheet she was covered with and she was naked underneath. She watched horrified as her leg was moved so they could film her intimately close up without her knowledge, as she watched the filmer stroked her then spread her lips so they could film her glistening sex,‘How had she not felt him doing that?’She thought disgustedly, the caption to this one said,‘Soon be breaking her in. Bet she feels so tight’Lumi hurled the phone at the wall watching in satisfaction as it shattered into pieces,‘How could you?’She sobbed then turned and walked out of the cottage
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